
Children Mental Health Week 3-9 Feb 2020

Children Mental Health Week 3-9 Feb 2020

Children's Mental Health Week is run by children's mental health charity to focus on the importance of looking after our emotional wellbeing from an early age.
Place2Be launched the first ever Children’s Mental Health Week in 2015 to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. Now in its sixth year, they hope to encourage more people than ever to get involved and spread the word. 
children mental health week
Find your brave, could mean a number of things. Bravery can be about sharing worries and asking for help, trying something new or pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. can build your confidence, self-esteem and make you feel good about yourself. 
Help spread the news about Children's Mental Health Week on social media by tagging Place2Be in all of your tweets and use #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek.
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